Alexander Technique Tampa Bay

Serving Sarasota, Bradenton, Venice, Tampa/St. Petersburg

Experience Embodied Awareness and Come Into Enhanced Poise, Coordination, and Posture

The Alexander Technique is  a mind/body method where you learn to restore a state of natural ease and freedom of movement.   Over time, we develop habits which contribute to excessive tension, restricted mobility, and pain.  Lessons in the Alexander Technique help individuals undo these harmful habits and learn new ways to bring about better general coordination.  This leads to greater mobility, poise, and postural tone.

Through the Alexander Technique, you can alleviate the effects of tension and stress, bringing about a greater sense of well-being, increased awareness, and a balanced state of body and mind in all of life’s activities. 

To schedule a lesson, or if you would like more information, contact me at (941 266-8215 or e-mail:

Meet your teacher:

Frank McNellis

Frank is a certified Alexander Technique Teacher and a member of AmSat (American Society for the Alexander Technique), which is the the largest professional organization of teachers of the Alexander Technique in the United States.